MyVet Imaging, part of Rayence & MyVet Inc., specializes in veterinary digital imaging offering a broad range of imaging products ranging from feline, canine and large animal CMOS intraoral sensors to high-end digital companion animal radiographic equipment to animal ultrasound systems.
We Make X-Ray Detectors
MyVet Imaging Inc. designs and develops CMOS wafer and thin-film transistor (TFT) flat panel detectors with Cesium lodide scintillation technology for radiation detection.
We Deliver X-ray Digital Imaging Solutions
MyVet Imaging superior product quality and dedication to the healthcare industry will assure that you reach the goal of satisfying your digital imaging needs. Whether your need is to upgrade existing technology or install a new DR system, we offer high-quality cost-effective digital solutions.
We Offer All-in-One Package
Our lightweight detectors with ergonomically designed removable handles and veterinary image acquisition software make our solution the ultimate in mobile applications.
Freedom Imaging Proudly Offers and Services These MyVet Imaging Systems

Wireless Panel

Local Service, Sales, and Support for Southern California
Open Architecture Solution(s) Provider
Component Centric vs ‘Integrated’ or Lock-Out Systems
Full Disclosure vs Proprietary Seller
Freedom Imaging has been in the digital imaging service industry since 1995 and our technicians have experienced much more than most local companies. MOST importantly, in our opinion, is to know: (1) what you are buying and (2) why, regardless from whom you buy it. As stated above we highly recommend you understand the service implications of ‘DR’ repair and replacement policies and, if possible, get them in writing. Our technicians spend much more time with people who have made an uninformed buying decision than anything else so we’re here to help you get what you really need in a safe, cost-effective manner.
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